Empowering “Me Time” for Busy Mom | Colorado Portrait Photographer
Think you don’t have time for boudoir? Let this empowering “me time” for busy mom session inspire you to make the time! Haylee decided that a confidence boost via a fun boudoir session was just the thing she needed to get back some of the energy she’s constantly giving out to the world as a busy momma.
So let the pampering begin! Angel did Haylee’s makeup and hair (check her work out here!), and we took some time to pick and chose lingerie options from the Silva Still's Client Closet. As a Colorado portrait photographer, I know it’s hard to find not only time, but sometimes the budget or energy to go out and find something cute or spicy for your boudoir shoot - so I love having options on hand for you to choose from! (Similar bottoms here!)
This babe totally relaxed into the shoot environment (the cutest boho details and colors in this studio, don’t you think?!) and got to lean into the fact that she’s one SMOKIN hot momma! I hope this empowering “me time” for busy mom session gives you the courage to do something special for yourself. You deserve it!